We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms.
The small stone cylindrical worms: it is designed with an integrated baking area, and a hole to connect through a tube or other external worms or baking boxes, it is designed for all species of medium and large worms (Mesor, Camponotus, etc.).
Kit hormiguero
We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms.
The U large stone shrimp: it is designed with two large independent galleries, with a large integrated shrimp area, and a hole to connect through a tube other shrimp or external shrimp boxes, it is designed for all species of medium and large shrimp (Mesor, Camponotus etc.)...
Green Quarz Arena 50g
Arcade quartz color green 50gr, this sand can be used to decorate the strawberries, baking boxes etc.The.it is quite good, so that from a more natural touch, to our worms, and that our worm colony are in a more natural environment.
Decorative river stones 100 gr, to decorate the strawberry (forging boxes), and give a more natural atmosphere to our strawberry.
Decorative small white stones 100 gr, to decorate the strawberry (fork boxes), and give a more natural environment to our strawberry.
Decorative white stones 100 gr, to decorate the strawberry (forging boxes), and give a more natural environment to our strawberry.