Kit hormiguero

anthills with hatches green foam anthills with hatches green foam 2
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  • -€15.00
Kit hormiguero

€24.99 €39.99
Colony of the formigas free is!we send you your beans for free with the purchase of your the birmingham The the birmingham 10 x 20 cm foam (acrylic) it is ideal for a colony of medium or large worms such as the Messor, Camponotus, etc., have a foam central moisture system, with two holes for connections from other strawberries or forage box.
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  • -€7.00
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Kit hormiguero

€19.99 €26.99
Colony of the formigas free is!we send you your beans for free with the purchase of your the birmingham The the birmingham 10 x 10 cm square foam (acrylic) it is ideal for a colony of medium or large worms such as the Messor, Camponotus, etc., have a foam central moisture system, with a hole for connections from other strawberries or forage box.
  • On sale!
  • -€7.00
Kit hormiguero

€19.99 €26.99
Colony of the formigas free is!we send you your beans for free with the purchase of your the birmingham Lthe the birmingham 10 x 10 cm round foam (acrylic) it is ideal for a colony of medium or large worms such as the Messor, Camponotus, etc. they have a foam central moisture system, with a hole for connections from other strawberries or a baking box.
【Anthills】 3d ANT kit 10 x 10 cm white foam for children. 【Anthills】 3d ANT kit 10 x 10 cm white foam for children. 2
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We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The 3D forms 10 x 10 cm foam color gold, is ideal for middle colonies, has two hole for connect the external forage boxit has a moisture system called foam which is where we moisturize the worm with a pipet that is included in the kit.
【Anthills】 3d ANT kit 10 x 10 cm gold foam for children. 【Anthills】 3d ANT kit 10 x 10 cm gold foam for children. 2
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We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The 3D forms 10 x 10 cm foam color gold, is ideal for middle colonies, has two hole for connect the external forage boxit has a moisture system called foam which is where we moisturize the worm with a pipet that is included in the kit.
【Anthills】 3d ANT 7 x 7 cm white foam with foraging box 【Anthills】 3d ANT 7 x 7 cm white foam with foraging box 2
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We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The 3D forms 7 x 7 cm foam white, is ideal for medium colonies, has two hole for connect the external forage boxit has a moisture system called foam which is where we moisturize the worm with a pipet that is included in the kit.
【Anthills】 3d ANT 7 x 7 cm gold foam with foraging box 【Anthills】 3d ANT 7 x 7 cm gold foam with foraging box 2
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We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The 3D forms 7 x 7 cm foam color gold, is ideal for middle colonies, has two hole for connect the external forage boxit has a moisture system called foam which is where we moisturize the worm with a pipet that is included in the kit.
gold anthill kit gold anthill kit 2
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We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The 3D 15 x 15 cm foam color gold, is ideal for middle colonies, has a hole for connect the external forage boxit has a moisture system called foam which is where we moisturize the worm with a pipet that is included in the kit.
cheap 3d anthills for kids cheap 3d anthills for kids 2
  • On sale!
We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The 3D 15 x 15 cm foam white, is Ideal for middle colonies, has a hole for connect the external forage boxit has a moisture system called foam which is where we moisturize the worm with a pipet that is included in the kit. YOU CAN SEE A LITTLE THE HORROR VIDEO HERE
【Anthills】 3d kit 10 x 10 cm gold foam for children. 【Anthills】 3d kit 10 x 10 cm gold foam for children. 2
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We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The 3D 10 x 10 cm foam color gold, is ideal for middle colonies, has a hole for connect the external forage boxit has a moisture system called foam which is where we moisturize the worm with a pipet that is included in the kit.
cheap anthill kit cheap anthill kit 2
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We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The 3D 10 x 10 cm foam white, is Ideal for middle colonies, has a hole for connect the external forage boxit has a moisture system called foam which is where we moisturize the worm with a pipet that is included in the kit.
  • On sale!
We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The 3D 7 x 7 cm foam color gold, is ideal for middle colonies, has a hole for connect the external forage boxit has a moisture system called foam which is where we moisturize the worm with a pipet that is included in the kit.
cheap 3d anthills with foraging box cheap 3d anthills with foraging box 2
  • On sale!
We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The 3D 7 x 7 cm foam white, is Ideal for middle colonies, has a hole for connect the external forage boxit has a moisture system called foam which is where we moisturize the worm with a pipet that is included in the kit.
Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh 2
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  • -€5.00
€10.99 €15.99
We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The Borms 9 x 6 cm foam (acrylic) is Ideal for a single queen or young colony, it has a foam moisture system, with a hole for connections from other foam or baking boxes.This worm has a very easy maintenance following our instructions, to get to have a great colony of worms in good...
Kit anthills T-Large acrylic sand. Kit anthills T-Large acrylic sand. 2
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  • -€10.00
€48.99 €58.99
We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The T-Grand sand (acrylic) beef kit is ideal for almost all species of beef.These worms have a very easy maintenance following our instructions, to get to have a great colony of worms in good condition.
The ants create the galleries in the sand naturally The ants create the galleries in the sand naturally 2
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  • -€13.00
€33.99 €46.99
We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The small sand (acrylic) t bush kits are ideal for almost all species of bushes.These worms have a very easy maintenance following our instructions, to get to have a great colony of worms in good condition.
Handmade anthills Handmade anthills 2
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  • -€7.00
Units available
We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The small stone cylindrical worms: it is designed with an integrated baking area, and a hole to connect through a tube or other external worms or baking boxes, it is designed for all species of medium and large worms (Mesor, Camponotus, etc.).
Anthills with free ant colony Camponotus Anthills with free ant colony Camponotus 2
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  • -€14.00
Last items in stock

copy of

€29.99 €43.99
We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The Acrylic Cube Mould Kit Medium wood is ideal for almost all species of mould, (they are ideal for the Camponotus etc.).These worms have a very easy maintenance following our instructions, to get to have a great colony of worms in good condition.It contains a wooden taco where the...
deep galleries to facilitate the mobility of ants deep galleries to facilitate the mobility of ants 2
  • On sale!
  • -€20.00
We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The small wood acrylic cube worm kits are ideal for almost all species of worms (ideals for the Camponotus, etc.).These worms have a very easy maintenance following our instructions, to get to have a great colony of worms in good condition.It contains a wooden bag where it is located.
glass ant nest kit 15x15 cube glass ant nest kit 15x15 cube 2
  • On sale!
  • -€15.00
We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. These worms have a very easy maintenance following our instructions, to get to have a great colony of worms in good condition.It contains two sheets (sandwich) with a hole in one of the central corners of entrance and exit, the sandwich is 1 cm of separation where the sand is thrown and...
small circular stone kit with tank small circular stone kit with tank 2
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  • -€7.00
€31.99 €38.99
We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The circular small stone bush kit with water storage, has a hole to connect other bush or external baking boxes, are designed for all species of medium and small bush.(Messor, Lasius and so on).
stone ant nest kit L medium stone ant nest kit L medium 2
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  • -€11.00
Last items in stock
€37.99 €48.99
Colony of the formigas for free!we send you your beans for free with the purchase of your the bormMedium L stone stones: are designed with integrated straw zone, and a hole to connect through a tube other straw or external straw boxes, it is designed for all species of medium and large worms (Message,Campoon and etc.)...
Quality anthills in Spain with ants included for free Quality anthills in Spain with ants included for free 2
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  • -€11.00
€34.99 €45.99
Colony of the formigas for free!we send you your beans for free with the purchase of your the borm Stone strawberries: are designed with two independent galleries, with integrated straw zone, and a hole to connect through a tube other strawberries or external strawbox, it is designed for all species of middle and large worms (Messor, Campoon and...
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  • -€6.00
€29.99 €35.99
We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The Birmingham Kits 15 x 15 cm foam (acrylic) is Ideal for middle colonies, have a moisture system on the sides, with integrated steam box and a hole with tap for external connections, other steam or steam box.
glass ant nest kit 1 glass ant nest kit 1 2
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  • -€10.00
€43.99 €53.99
Colony of the formigas for free!we send you your beans for free with the purchase of your the borm The 1 crystal sand bush kits: with a box of 20x10x10 cm is ideal for almost all species of bushes.These worms have a very easy maintenance following our instructions, to get to have a great colony of worms in good condition.
medium stone canyon ant nest kit with foraging box medium stone canyon ant nest kit with foraging box 2
  • On sale!
  • -€4.00
Units available
We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The middle stone canyon with crystal forging box: are designed with a block of 15cm long, 5cm wide, 9.4cm high, with artificial galleries of 1.5cm deep and a forging box of 15cm long, 5cm wide, 5cm high.The.
stone ant nest kit L small stone ant nest kit L small 2
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  • -€10.00
€29.99 €39.99
Colony of the formigas for free!we send you your beans for free with the purchase of your the borm Small L stone bush kits: are designed with integrated bush zone, and a hole to connect through a tube other bush or external bush boxes, these bushes are recommended for species of medium and large worms...
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  • -€15.00
€27.99 €42.99
Colony of the formigas for free!we send you your beans for free with the purchase of your the borm The 10X 20 cm foam foam (acrylic) is Ideal for medium colony, have a foam central moisture system, with a hole for other foam or foam connections. These worms have a very easy maintenance following our instructions, to get to have a great colony of worms...
large stone canyon ant nest kit with foraging box large stone canyon ant nest kit with foraging box 2
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  • -€10.00
Last items in stock
We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The big stone canyon with crystal forging box : are designed with a block of 23 cm long, 5 cm wide, 12.7 cm high, with artificial galleries of 1.5 cm deep and a forging box of 23 cm long, 5 cm wide, 5.5 cm high...
natural sand anthill natural sand anthill 2
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  • -€18.00
€29.99 €47.99
Colony of the formigas free! we send you your worms for free with the purchase of your the borm The acrylic 1 sand bush kit 20x10x10 cm is ideal for the bush colony Messor barbarus These worms have a very easy maintenance following our instructions, to get to have a great colony of worms in good condition.
glass ant nest kit T glass ant nest kit T 2
  • On sale!
  • -€8.00
We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The large sand (crystalline) T bush kit is ideal for almost all species of bush.These worms have a very easy maintenance following our instructions, to get to have a great colony of worms in good condition.
green anthills with accessories green anthills with accessories 2
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  • -€8.00
Last items in stock
€18.99 €26.99
Colony of the formigas for free!we send you your beans for free with the purchase of your the borm The the borm 10 x 10 cm square foam (acrylic) is Ideal for a young colony, have a foam central moisture system, with a hole for connections from other foam or forage box.
educational anthills for children educational anthills for children 2
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  • -€8.00
€33.99 €41.99
We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The 10X 20 cm SETA strawberries with baking box (acrylic) is Ideal for a colony of medium strawberries, have a central moisture system called SETA, with a water storage below the strawberries, is where the lower part of the strawberries is located, once filled the water container the...
Large U stone ant nest kit Large U stone ant nest kit 2
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  • -€5.00
Last items in stock
€51.99 €56.99
We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The U large stone shrimp: it is designed with two large independent galleries, with a large integrated shrimp area, and a hole to connect through a tube other shrimp or external shrimp boxes, it is designed for all species of medium and large shrimp (Mesor, Camponotus etc.)...
acrylic anthills with natural galleries acrylic anthills with natural galleries 2
  • On sale!
  • -€9.00
€24.99 €33.99
We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The Borms 15 x 15 cm foam (acrylic) is Ideal for medium colonies, it has a moisture system on the sides, with integrated baking box and a hole with tap for external connections, from other bakers or baking box.
quality anthills oval galleries with accessories quality anthills oval galleries with accessories 2
  • On sale!
  • -€10.00
€24.99 €34.99
We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms. The formigers 15 x 15 cm foam with box oval galleries (acrylic) is Ideal for medium colonies, has a moisture system to the sides, with integrated forage box and a hole with tapon for external connections, from other fork or fork box.
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