Colony of the formigas for free!we send you your beans for free with the purchase of your the borm
Stone strawberries: are designed with two independent galleries, with integrated straw zone, and a hole to connect through a tube other strawberries or external strawbox, it is designed for all species of formigas, medium and large (Messor, Camponotus,...
3D flag or 1 cm round comedero of golden color, perfect for placing their food (seeds, tinnitus) etc.
Kit hormiguero
copy of KIT HORMIGUERO 15 X 15 ESPUMA ( galeria natural)
We send you your worms for free with the purchase of your worms.
The 3D 15 x 15 cm foam color gold, is ideal for middle colonies, has a hole for connect the external forage boxit has a moisture system called foam which is where we moisturize the worm with a pipet that is included in the kit.